Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Monday was a nightmare!!!

So, this is a follow up to my last blog. Monday I went to work, I took calls and it was horrible. I felt like I wanted to quit cuz it was too much. I even cried at night. It was a mixed feeling, not only I wanted to quit, but I felt bad because quitting is not something I like to do. Anyways, next day, even though I felt horrible and more nervous than the day before, I made it through. I made less mistakes, and I was able to deal with it with more ease. Now I have today and tomorrow off because I will be working on weekends. I guess it's all about repetition, getting use to it, and I'll do my best to keep going, ,not matter how bad a day can be, I need to keep going.

That's it for today, hope I can keep this blog habit going if only once or twice a week.
Take care.

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