Friday, June 14, 2019

I don’t know what I want to write about…

I downloaded the Skillshare app and I’ve been watching at videos to find what I want to learn. I’ve watched at photography videos, video production, writing, and now Blogging basics. The problem with this is that I don’t finish the entire course, I get bored really fast. What the hell is wrong with me?

It’s been 10 years since the last time a wrote something online. I have written some stuff at the beginning of the year on my notebook, I might put that online as well.

For the last 4 weeks I’ve been working on myself. I’ve been eating healthier, I am exercising more often, I’ve been going to therapy to work on my emotions. Yesterday though, I didn’t feel like it so I made up an excuse, family dinner. It does not mean that I’m going to stop, just that I didn’t feel like getting my thoughts out. I asked to reschedule the meeting for next week.

Tomorrow, I have a second meeting with my personal trainer. So far, I’ve lost about 4 Kilos, not bad. As of this morning, June 14th 2019, I’m at 71.3 kilos. My goal is to drop down to 60 kilos, before years end. I just have to keep consistent about it and not stoping like I have before.

This last bit that I’m listening on the Blogging basics course, in a nutshell is to write every day to get better at it, because honestly right now my writing is crap, obviously. But it’s ok, The beginning is always the hardest.

I just find everything so boring, really. I’m still trying to find something of interest but I don’t know what it is. I might just go back to my basics, guitar practicing, that might help a bit.

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