Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's been a while

Last time I wrote something like this was the first day of this year, here on blogger anyways; maybe I should start again. I have been so uninspired lately it's not even funny. I can't figure it out; the more I try, the less I do. I don't feel like doing anything, I haven't even exercise for almost 2 months and I'm getting a little anxious about it, but still I do nothing. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm moving out of the country for good.

I haven't been in Mexico for 10 years and the change scares me a little. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I shouldn't feel like this though, it's my country after all; I can do more stuff over there than I could ever do over here. I'm planning to go back to college and do something that inspires me, but the problme is nothing does and I'm getting sick of this feeling. I've seen so many videos of people who in spite their disabilities, are inspired to keep going. I wish I could feel like that, to love something strong enough to keep going, even if I feel like not doing it.

Anyways, nothing else comes to mind at the moment. I'll build it up again, one day at a time.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Goals!!

What is it you have always wanted to do? I've always wanted to be in a loving relationship. I've never experience it so this year I would put some effort to it. I also want to make a youtube video, but the inadequacy that I have with myself won't let me get over the fact that it's not a big deal talking to yourself in front of the camera. I want to go Vegan, I want to get a leaner body (already started working on it) and I'm sure more goals will come to mind as we go along. For now, those are my biggest priorities for 2009.

What preparations will you need to make? I'm not really sure, I hate preparing for something. I''m more the type of person that does things when I feel is the right moment to do them, but in the interest of efficiency, I will make preparations for all the stuff I want to achieve. I'll get back to you on that one.

What is your target date to complete this? I have the whole year to accomplish this and I better start NOW!!!